Maxillofacial Surgeon / Dentist
Dr. Dt. Seda Deniz Kalkan
I completed my specialist and my PhD by writing a dissertation titled "Comparison of c-reactive protein levels before and after grafting in half-buried twenty-year-old teeth" in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ankara University.


Dental Implant
It is an artificial tooth root which is placed in the jawbone to restore the chewing function and aesthetics in tooth deficiencies and which can be made of titanium and prosthetically made with various materials. Any implant can be applied if there is bone in place to implant in single tooth or multiple tooth deficiencies.

Gingival Treatments
This gross appearance disappears when the health of your gums deteriorates. Gingivitis is caused by gum stones that accumulate in the upper part of the gingiva or in the gingiva when the gingival disease is impaired or when we define it as gum disease.

Zirconium is a white color, light permeable metal. It is used as a substructure of porcelain material applied on fixed dentures, it is highly resistant, has high biocompatibility and aesthetic success.

Orthodontic Treatment
It is the most important purpose of orthodontic treatment to get rid of irregularities in teeth arrangement, to correct impairments of jaw relations in developmental age, to help correct speech disorders, to arrange respiratory mechanism, to provide better chewing function and to give an esthetic appearance.

This area aims to both protect and treat children’s milk and permanent teeth. It follows the development of the chin face area from the infancy and takes protective measures. Dental surveillance starts from 6 months to 1 year and continues every 6 months and the effect of teeth on the growing jaw bones is assessed.

Dental Prosthesis
Prosthetics is the dental field where artificial teeth are placed instead of missing teeth. Fixed or moving prostheses are made according to the number of missing teeth, missing teeth and the condition of surrounding tissues. By applying an implant, with a correct evaluation, both fixed and mobile prosthesis can be made.